~A transformational journey to your essence ~
Are you experiencing the beauty of this moment?
Are you losing energy, but you just don’t know why or how to change?
Do you have everything in your life, but you are just not grasping the happiness and joy that you could be feeling right now?
Honestly….how happy and content are you with yourself?
How much peace, joy, happiness, abundance, pleasure, stress or ecstasy we are experiencing in our life, depends on how much freedom and space we create in our mind.
THE SELF is a multiple day retreat, to release limiting beliefs and judgement and to meet your powerful, joyful and authentically open self.
You will experience your full potential, truly feel your power and know exactly what you want in your life, relationships.
Exercises are based on movement, dance, breath, honesty practices, Tantra, Social Psychology, Deep Democracy, Dialogical Leadrship Coaching, Osho and NLP. The techniques give us insight in our patterns of seeking for love, approval and attention from the outside.
We bring ourselves into deeper awareness of our limiting beliefs and judgements – what is stopping me from being who I want to be?
We set ourselves free and experience a deep unlocking of love, trust and freedom.
Some of the exercises:
~ Private Coaching
~ What do you want Meditation
~ Emotional Release Tools
~ Active Meditations (Osho)
~ Inner Child Meditation
~ Personal Power Initiation
The intention of this retreat is to experience how amazing, beautiful and rich you actually are.
We start recognizing that everything we ever wanted, is already present.
When we do not pay attention to the nature of our thoughts we are not conscious.
We perceive our life as limited, fearful and search for love and approval outside of ourselves.
By observing our own thoughts we start recognizing limited beliefs and judgements which make us feel unworthy.
We embark on a soul awakening programme.
Linking your higher self and soul purpose to your embodiment of you in the here and now.
The journey consists of 3 modules:
1: THE SELF – Free your Mind
How can I create freedom, peace and ease in my self?
In THE SELF we experience our full potential and meet our powerful, joyful and authentically open self.
Exercises include: limiting beliefs & judgements ritual, emotional release, deepest fears ceremony and what-do-you-want-meditation
2: THE OTHER – Heart of Bliss
What is stopping me from living with an open heart and manifesting connection, sexual bliss and love in my life?
In THE OTHER we enter states of bathing in unconditional love, juice and presence. Exercises include: forgiveness ritual, secret circles, temple nights, authentic honesty and Tantric touch practices.
3: THE CALLING – Living Potential
How to expand and manifest from the self beyond myself?
Through shadow work and transcedental meditations we welcome our higher selves into grounded manifestation.
Exercises include: Kali meditation, life & death ceremony, Sex magick, Embodied integration, Ancestral integration ritual, Orgasmic Streaming
In this self realization transformative journey we will bring awareness to our limiting beliefs and judgments and experience ourselves beyond our thoughts and body.
The climax of this retreat is the personal initiation. Here we connect to who we really are, beyond fears, limitations, stories, and beliefs. We receive practical tools to come back to accept and love ourselves unconditionally in daily life.