If you have attended the “Free Your Mind,” “Out of Your Mind,” or CORE training with KABIRA at any time in the last 10 years, you are invited to this the CORE COMMUNITY Programme.
The intention is to ensure deeply embedding of the practices of CORE into your daily life and provide you with the network to do so. .
This entails:
- COMMUNITY GROUP | A WhatsApp group 10 years of graduates, with weekly updates and reminders of the CORE journey | Weekly updates
- GRADUATE DAYS | One-day events to reflect, remember and realign. The day includes your favorite meditations, connecting with nature, dancing, listening, practices and sharings | held ever 3 months
- CORE CELEBRATIONS | Fun events, organised by the CORE Community. Often related to events covered in CORE such as desires, movement, breathwork, stage, judgements or fears | e.g. car smash, bungee jumping
- FAMILY DAYS | CORE related events for families, children and friends relasted to CORE
- HEARTCORE | Access to the HEARTCORE Retreats | Held once a year