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Shaktipat Kundalini Awakening Ritual

3rd August 2020 @ 20:00 - 22:00

▽ Shaktipat Kundalini Meditation ▽
Traditional Ritual @ Full Moon
Kabira welcomes you to a Tantric Ritual: Shaktipat.
An ancient Indian Kundalini activation ceremony.
The event includes:
▽ Q&A on Shaktipat & Kundalini with special GUEST: BUD BARBER
▽ Shaktipat Ritual
▽ Kundalini Meditation
Expect an intimate gathering, with a strong energetical base, heart-opening and receiving exactly what’s right for you.
‘Bodhi Baba’ or Bud Barber was ordained to administer Shaktipat; to perform Kundalini awakening rituals. He was specifically chosen by the world renowned Siddha Guru, Swami Muktananda (affectionately known as ‘Baba’).
Bud’s own ‘Diva Diksha’ or Kundalini awakening occurred on, 6 Aug. 1969 while practicing the ‘fire breath pranayama’.
He received his qualification to teach Siddha Yoga on, 28 Aug. 1977 and was officially ordained to give Shaktipat by Muktananda approximately one year later.
Bud is now one of the few existing traditional Tantra Yoga teachers, chosen by a Siddha Guru, who still performs this ceremony.
Bud is the founder of, as well as an instructor at ‘The Heart of Shiva School of Tantra Yoga and Meditation’ and lives part time in Melbourne the USA. He gives workshops and Shaktipat rituals in: the US, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, India, Thailand and Hawaii. Bud has over 40 years’ experience training & teaching Tantra Yoga meditation and Kundalini to his students worldwide.
Shaktipat (Sanskrit meaning: descent of grace) is one of the highest Tantric ceremonies. As we meditate on inviting our Kundalini to rise, we connect directly to the source of our fullest potential.
Shaktipat is an individual passive meditation in which the third eye is touched, supported by Indian (Vedic) chants and energetic invocation. It can be a deeply transformational experience.
Also referred to as life force energy. It is the essential energy of our deepest soul potential.
Kundalini can awaken through practice (yoga, breathwork etc.), spontaneously, by birth or through Shaktipat. The latter is usually a safe way as the lineage will protect your awakening.
An awakened Kundalini can bring about massive life transforming experiences and crucial spiritual awakenings.
The Siddha lineage is one of the oldest Tantric lineage (mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita), mostly aimed at directly awakening the Kundalini. Through ritual and prayer we invoke the guidance of Bhagavan Nityananda – an Indian guru living in the mountains of Maharastra.
Kabira has received initiation in the lineage in 2016 through Bud Barber who was one of a carefully selected group by Muktananda (Nityananda’s disciple) to continue Shaktipat. In 2018 she spent time in the Nityananda Ashram in Ganeshpuri, India and she has performed Shaktipats in Amsterdam, Australia, Berlin and Thailand.
“Hugely powerful online Shaktipat.
I had a massive crying moment.
Cleansing but revealing.”
– Michelle (UK)
19:00 – 21:00h*
(Amsterdam, GMT+2)
19:45h Start Indian Puja (Live Ritual)
20:00h Start Kundalini Meditation
20:45h Grounding & sharing
21:00h Closing
*All timings, besides the start time, are indications
19:30 Intro & Q&A
Bud Barber and I will explain about Shaktipat, the lineage, the ritual and what you can expect of the meditation. This is also the time to ask any questions.

Around 19:45-20:00h we will start with the Puja, please make sure to be in the call on time, dropped in with your sound muted.

Are you curious?
Feeling a pull, anxiety or a joyful nervousness in the belly?
You’re welcome! The event is open to all that feel a resonance. No previous experience with spirituality or meditation required.
If you have a known history of psychosis or severe trauma, please contact me beforehand
“I had extra spring in my step today while working,
wow something been touched to allow the flow.
Thanks for great night and every ones contribution to connect.”
– Peter


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 8132 2614
“Gisteren avond met volle maan naar een kundalini awakening ritueel geweest. Dit begon het met kirtan zingen en vervolgens besprenkeld worden met gezegend water en een stip op mijn derde oog.
Toen Karlijn Kouwenhoven langskwam maakte ze wat bewegingen en geluiden en deze zgn Shakitipat was net magie. Pats boem voelde ik de kundalini energie van crown chakra tot root chakra en mijn 3e oog had een branderig gevoel.
Ging door verschillende stadia heen die ik herkende. Echt heel mooi en bijzonder. Niet overweldigd uit het lood geslagen overmand door bewegingen en emoties maar voelde de stilte en kalmte in mij. Gewaar van alles om mij heen gecentreerd in mezelf.
Ik voelde mij zo krachtig. Echt awesome!
Dank je wel Karlijn Kouwenhoven. Dank je wel, was geweldig 💜🤗” – Erik
European citizens can get their ticket via the Chipta link.
If there is an error / your card is not accepted, please transfer your donation to karlijnkouwenhoven@gmail.com via PayPal.
Donation based ticket prices range from 10 – 25 euro
If money is an issue, please contact me directly 🙂


3rd August 2020
20:00 - 22:00
Event Category: