


I am happy to explore with you. Simply schedule a free Discovery Call.


My private sessions might be for you when…

– Regular psychotherapy or reading self-help books do not do the trick for you anymore, you are looking for more experience based answers from the body.
– You feel stuck in thoughts, habits and uncomfortable situations that actually don’t serve you.
– You are recovering from burn-out and would like to manage your energy better.
– You want to learn more about Tantra, managing your sexual energy and mystic wisdom that combines sex, heart and spirit.
– You want to feel more alive, more of you and more authentic in all aspects of your life
– You feel something is missing, and don’t know exactly what.
– You want to have a no-bullshit coach, mentor and are ready for (your own) truth that understands both mind, body and spirit.
– You feel there is more to life than this. And are ready to make a profound impact.
– You are ready.

You are ready.

In an individual private journey, I will take you through the layers of yourself.
We work on the physical, mental, emotional and energetical body.
This is where we can make an impact beyond regular mental health care.
Coming back to full alignment, embodied insights and effortless clarity in your day-to-day experiences.

I work subtly and gently, yet with clear guidance and life transforming results.

– 1 hour
– Online
– Sharing
– Energetic clearing


– 2 hours
– Offline Haarlem
– Sharing
– Tantric clearing
– Involves touch
– Tailored homework


– Multiple sessions
– Online & Offline
– 1, 3 or 6 months
– Adjusted Tantric practices
– Tailored homework



In holding space for >2000 people in her workshops, and almost 20 years of facilitation experience, Karlijn has developed a modality called Integrated Tantric Alignment.
The groundwork for this method can be found in Behavioural & Cognitive Psychology, Trauma Release Practices, Matrix Energetics, sensual bodywork and Tantric Healing.

The method is based on several understandings:
– Your system has a natural capability to regenerate, restore and unfold itself back into ease, peace, health and balance.
– We don’t need to add anything to your system. You are perfect as you are. Techniques and homework can only open doors that remind you of what you once knew.
– Access to your vital life force energy (Kundalini) can be key to experiencing your full potential
– Your system might require a deep safety and presence, especially for holding larger processes and feeling things you couldn’t feel by yourself before.


  • Every Private Session is unique, tailored and personalized to you
  • All prices include VAT and can be addressed to your business, being labelled personal development.
    Sessions are fully clothed. We work with life force and sexual energy, yet there is no genital touch or sexual stimulation.
  • Wear something you feel comfortable in and could sweat in as your body temperature will vary.


“Ik gun iedereen een Karlijn. Er zijn weinig therapeuten die het vak zo verstaan als zij, iets dat ik zelf als therapeut extra belangrijk vind is de veiligheid, de aanwezigheid en ook de humor waar alle ruimte voor is.. De begeleiding van Karlijn is precies wat ik nodig had om oude pijn, blokkades en de beperkte stroom weer te transformeren.” – Nicky Keijzer, dieptepsycholoog

“Karlijn is a magical being, an alchemist and a bad-ass coach. Clear and direct. She works on multiple layers, can offer an immense amount of tools. She sees and welcomes me fully (beyond my stories). She empowers transformation, emotional processing, deep healing and grounding.
I learned to be more myself, sink into my body, feel my truth, take space and follow my pleasure.” – Maty Akal, Massage Therapist

“Incredible. I am utter amazed and grateful.
With her incredible super sensitivity, authenticity, love and true intentions to help, she manages to reach deep inside me expelling unhelpful painbodies and traumas dwelling there.” – Mike