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XL SHAKTIPAT Kundalini Awakening | Concert by AVI ADIR

June 21 @ 18:00 - 22:00


Curious about (traditional) Tantra?

The power of mystical ceremonies?

Revitalizing your own energy body?

Around the full moon we enter an ancient, Tantric meditation: Shaktipat.

The ceremony can be a mystical journey with insights, release and an expanded energetical state.

We combine this meditative ritual with a live concert, workshop or sound experience.



Self-styled modern Troubadour Avi Adir, originally from Israel, a unique expressive authentic vocalist and multi-instrumentalist. Travels the world, without identifying himself to a nation or country.
His music arises from the core of the heart, with an emotional deep expression of ancient Sufi’s spirit and divine connection.
Avi Adir performs in concert halls, festivals, yoga and art spiritual events, sharing fusion mix of composition and improvisation at the same time. Freedom flow that touches and inspired the ordinance in their own creativity and their love to sing and dance.
Each performance is a new stream unfolding in the present moment, according to the situation and the energy in the space.
Among the instrument he plays, are the Bouzouki, Silver Flute, Bansuri, Duduk, Shakuhachi, Ney, and Harmonica.

‘Music is my tool to tune with my real nature. I’m here to share the radiated waves of the Divine force of life, which are flowing through.’ Avi Adir

Avi Adir on Spotify



Shaktipat is a traditional, mystical, Tantric ceremony. In Sanskrit, Shaktipat literally means descent of grace. Through ritual and intent we invite awareness of life energy (Kundalini) into our bodies. Resulting in a more flow, bliss and ease.

Shaktipat is a solo meditation, supported by collective energy. You will be ‘touched’ by water of the Ganga river, sacred ash, Kumkum and a third eye blessing of the Siddha lineage. Indian Vedic chants will support you into deeper meditation and prayer.

A Shaktipat can be a deeply transformational experience.



Kundalini, also referred to as life force, is the energy of your soul’s potential, rooted at the base of your spine.
Kundalini can awaken through practice (yoga, breathwork etc.), psychedelic stimulation (plant medicine etc.), spontaneous activation (birth), or through energetical transmission (Shaktipat).
We consider Shaktipat a safe way of awakening, as the lineage will ensure a smooth transition of your self-realization journey.

An awakened Kundalini can bring about massive life-transforming experiences and spiritual awakenings.



The Shaktipat ritual is performed according to Siddha tradition (5000 years old). Its primary objective was the direct, effortless awakening of the Kundalini. Through ritual and prayer we invoke the guidance of Bhagavan Nityananda, a meditator residing in the mountains of Maharastra, India.

Kabira has received initiation through Bud Barber in Melbourne in 2016, and has been giving Shaktipat across several continents ever since.



18:00h Doors open
18:30h Opening & explanation Kundalini
19:00h Sound healing by Kees van Boxtel
20:00h Start ceremony of light (Aarti) & Shaktipat
21:30h – 22:00h Closing & grounding




Amsterdam, Haarlem, Weesp


– Please bring your own meditation cushion, sheep and / or blanket with you.

– Despite the word Shakti sometimes referring to feminine power, the Shaktipat is open to all genders and any-body.

– Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and that you can sit in. Your body temperature might change, layers of clothing work well.

– Optional: bring an offering for the altar. E.g. flowers, sweets, crystals, pictures or anything that you would like to have blessed. You can take this home with you afterwards.

– Optional: bring some snacks and drinks to share for a bite after. A light meal or a few hours of fasting before could support your experience.

– If you have a known history of psychosis or severe trauma, please contact us beforehand.



Mijn eerste Shaktipat meditatie mogen bijwonen bij jou, Karlijn. Ik ben er nog lang, positief van onder de indruk geweest. Het had een heerlijke nawerking, bekrachtiging. Ik vond het fascinerend. Het smaakt zeker naar meer! – Nienke

I entered the space where powerful Indian chants were playing, the altar was lit up, and the ritual began. Immediately I felt energy rush through me, a wave of laughter, blissful sensations, and my heart open wide. My body rocked with the energy and my hands danced into mudras.

Then I entered peace, and my favourite kind of meditation… Where you don’t have to try to meditate or to DO meditation…. The peace is SO tangible that there’s nothing to do but rest in it. Ripples of love emanating out in all directions. – Shashi Solluna




June 21
18:00 - 22:00