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Curious Couples – Tantra & Love
30th November 2019 @ 11:00 - 1st December 2019 @ 19:00

– A joyful Tantric exploration of love, sexuality & awakening –
Are you curious about TANTRA?
Curious what it can do for you and your sexuality and LOVE LIFE?
Excited to spend some FUN, connected and EASY loving time with your LOVED ONE?
Over the weekend we will explore some of the best exercises to expand your ability to love in an easy and playful way.
Exercises are based on authentic relating, breath work, movement and dance, Tantra and lots of Dutch groundedness.
– Exercises are done in fixed partnerships. You will work with your partner predominantly.
– Bring your partner, beloved or simply best friend or family member to work with
– No experience with Tantra, yoga, meditation or conscious relating required
– NO NUDITY or genital touch
Don’t have a partner? Let us know and we might be able to hook you up 🙂
The Curious Couple is a full series of 3 weekends. All weekends can be attended separately too.
I – LOVE – A celebration of authentic and embodied Love
II – SEXUALITY – A deep dive into Tantric Sexuality
III – AWAKENING – A devoted approach to Awakening in your relationship
Curious Couples LOVE
We will open ourselves up to presence, attention and care to explore the wildness and spaciousness of love. How to increase gratitude and appreciation for what’s right in front of me?
Exercises can include:
– Intimacy enhancement practices
– Tantric Touch essentials
– Creating a Sacred Space
– Chakra breathing
– Balancing massage
– Relationship Market place
– Love showers
Link: 30 November & 1 December
Dates: https://www.facebook.com/events/527583077984167/
Curious Couples SEXUALITY
The focus is on building sexual energy and moving it through the body. How to build up, raise and share sexual energy in a partnership?
Exercises can include:
– Fears & fantasy practices
– Orgasmic Streaming
– Andulating practices for sublimation
– Shiva & Shakti Essence
– Shiva Shakti Meditation
Link: TBA
Dates: Spring 2020
Curious Couples AWAKENING
The focus is on sharing ecstasy, bliss, silence and opening along Tantric lines of thought. How to move into bliss in a partnership? A deeper state of awakening, meditation and ease?
Exercises can include:
– Chakra Tantric Essence
– Tantric Healing
– Transfiguration
– Latihan
– Mahamudra
– Heart desires
– Sex Magic ritual
Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/288970078659196/
Dates: 12 & 13 October 2019
Exercises are based on movement, dance, breath, honesty practices, Tantra, Social Psychology, Deep Democracy, Osho and NLP.
You might:
– Learn how to fall in love with EVERYTHING
– Increase the amount of love, joy, OPENNESS and connection you feel in all your relationships
– Feel bliss and ECSTASY in your body
– Learn that men and women can be fully ORGASMIC with clothes on without being touched (do try this at the office)
– Bring about some radical life transformations along the way
Curious Couples is a journey into the art of rising in love and sublimating sexual energy.
What is stopping you right now from feeling in love, ecstatic, orgasmic and nourishing content with this moment? We will invite ourselves to embrace a big YES to life and our potential to feel love and pleasure (YAM!)
We work with core Tantric themes such as
<3 ‘acceptance with gratitude (of myself and others)
<3 ‘relaxation into the present moment’ (nowhere to run, nothing to achieve)
<3 ‘honesty’ (love is a byproduct of the truth)
<3 ‘surrendering’ (relax, nothing is under control)
<3 ‘sublimation’ (doing the dishes can be ecstatic)!
The workshop is suitable for singles, couples, all genders, sexual preferences and liking, multi orgasmic beings, a-sexual beings and for people that are completely new to all of this.
10:00 – 10:30h Doors open, tea & registration
10:30h – 17:00h Exercises Curious Couples
17:00 – 17:30h Closing
10:00 – 17:00h Exercises Curious Couples
17:00 – 17:30h Closing
We will have a potluck lunch on both days. Bring some lunch to share and enjoy a walk in the forest.
Yogi tea, fresh herbal tea, water & snacks are available throughout the retreat.
“Kabira’s workshop feels like a love letter to life. Thanks!” – Matthias
“I feel trust, excitement and I feel touched by what happened – thank you.” – Maharani
Vulnerability – Surrender – My partner’s infinite kindness” – Klazien
“Acceptance, honoring, joy is what I take home. This workshop is very grounded by the way. Kabira leads the group into a safe space in which we can explore and expand.”
“I learned that sex can be hilarious and exhilarating at the same time.”
“I came to get closer to each other and experience new things together. I would definitely recommend the retreat to my friends”
“Sommige dingen die binnen in mij leven laten zich niet met woorden kennen. Via het lichaamswerk en breathing heb ik een diepere waarheid onder mijn en onze verhalen gevonden. Ik kon opeens bij de onderliggende kwetsbaarheid komen, die ik daarvoor nog niet kon aanraken.”
“I wanted to connect to my partner in a different way than in our day to day life. I discovered some practical exercises and the experience/memory of connection & relaxation with my partner”
“I learned that I can have so much fun and lightness with my partner, and at the same time go into deep processes together.”